1. Learn what works for you and what doesn't. I spent the better part of this year trying to perfect cat eye liner. I spent hours watching tutorials. I tried everything from cream to powdered liners. I always ended up looking like an old hooker. Then I went through a phase where I wanted to create the perfect nude lip and smokey eye. I looked like an old dead hooker lol. I saw countless gurus pull off these looks, why couldn't I ?
One day my best friend asked me "What are you doing to yourself ?" She told me that those looks weren't for me. (seriously not trying to brag here,but this is what she said.) " Your lashes are so dark the liner is over doing it, and that's why it doesn't look right. I took a long look at my heavy looking eye's and corpsey lips and threw the stuff out. I rummaged through my makeup collection and found my own signature looks. I rediscovered a fabulous blush I'd been ignoring ( everyday minerals daydream), and started putting eye shadow in the outer third of my lower lid. I also started rocking my red lips more often.
2. Work with the hair you've got. Okay this is sorta like the first one but I still feel it's important. When I was in high school it was all about the spiral perm lol. Here I was with naturally pin straight hair getting this coveted perm, and then putting 7 to 8 different curl boosting hair products in my hair everyday. I had the crunchiest hair in town :) No wonder a bee got stuck in my hair and couldn't find it's way out. Thank goodness that Shannon Daugherty hairstyle eventually came out. Now that I've dated myself let's get back to the present. So as I was watching all those eyeliner tutorials I also noticed said guru's had long beautiful flowing hair. I decided that I should grow my hair out( I have been wearing it short for the last 10 years). My hair is naturally on the fine side so as it grew it became more limp and straggly. I finally realized that until I can get to a salon, and or pony up the dough for luxe extentions my hair is best short. It has more body and looks better that way.
3. Just do it ! I am over weight, over 30, my eye's wiggle back and forth like crazy, and half the time I don't have a plan. I have a lot of reasons not to put my self out there, but the ham in me won out. If you look at one of my earlier posts you will see how I started my channel ( Having the time of my life). I say if there is something you want to do just do it. Don't let anything stop you from doing something you love. Do it for the joy it brings you, and don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
4. Girls of the world unite ! I don't know where I would be without my best friend. We as women need to be good to each other, support each other. If the guy she's with is treating her badly say something. If you know she'd like that revlon lip butter pick one up for her. If her ass looks lumpy in that skirt tell her. My best friend has been very honest with me over the years. It isn't always easy to hear, but I am thankful for the fact that she cares enough to tell the truth. A good friend can get you through anything. If your lucky enough to have a one hold on to it, and be good to them.
5. Get past it(notice I didn't say get over). Hurt feelings leave a hole in your heart that if left un checked eventually fills with anger resentment and rage. The anger ignites like a fuel and keeps you warm. It distracts from the pain and keeps you going for a time. Anger is not entirely a bad thing, it can motivate you to make changes in your life for the better. When it boils over into rage and resentment it is counterproductive. Outwardly it makes you feel powerful, but inwardly it is keeping you from moving forward. Heal yourself, I can recommend a great book for this purpose.
You need to find a way to release the anger. Once you are in a better state assess the situation. Sometimes it's better to let the relationship go, but in other cases you may be able to mend things. Either way you'll feel better :)
6. Don't sweat the small stuff. One day I woke up and found a big scratch across my face. One of my lovely dogs must have stepped on me as I slept. The first thing I did was go out and buy the thickest concealer I could find lol (hard candy glamoflage BTW). I became obsessed with finding a way to hide it. If you see my foundation routine you can get a good look at the scratch. It has faded since then, but it's still visible through basic foundation. It became part of me. I'm not sure if it will go away or not. I just stopped caring. We all have imperfections.
Well there you have it . My last post of 2011. This year wasn't perfect, but it had some really good highlights. Thank you all for reading this, and subscribing to m youtube channel. I love connecting with you, and am so thankful for all the kind things you say <3