Hi Guys,
Do you guys believe in "Dream Jars" ? I do, I think writing things down makes them tangible and brings them into reality. It doesn't matter what your dreams are the important thing is that you are moving in a positive direction toward them :)
In honor of Valentines Day I think making a dream jar about relationships and the perfect ( perfect for you) mate. Seeing a visual reminder of your dream in your life everyday will keep you focused on your path.
You can buy a jar, or if your crafty make one. Either way find one that speaks to you and represents your dream. Keep it on your dresser, desk, or vanity so you can see it everyday. Buy a really cute colored note pad that you can write your wishes on. Each day, or whenever you feel inspired write a new wish for your goal.
Good Luck,
<3 Jen
Love fish cookie jar is from my store
You may want to check out my relationship videos