Hi guys I thought I'd give you a tour of my desk essentials. This little basket of goodies gets me through the day.
Wet n Wild Hi Shine Top Coat
I have been experimenting with different top coats, and so far have not found a fav. This one is good for shine, but not great for preventing chippage ( is that a word ?).
Frog Magnifying Glass
This is invaluable to me because of my sight. It makes all those tiny labels easier to read. I also love frogs.
Riccola Cough Drops
I talk all the time. These are the best ! They keep my whistle wet, and I love the lemony flavor.
Pad & Pen
Well this is pretty self explanitory lol.
Hand Cream
This one is from caudalei. I love the cute little size. It's a mild light cream that sinks in quickly.
I also keep whatever polish I'm currently wearing . If you guys can suggest a good top coat let me know :)
Eos Lip Balm in passion fruit
This thing is practically worn down to a nub. I really like this flavor, but it was limited edition. When it is gone I will replace it with another flavor I love, summer fruit.
<3 Jen
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