Hello Dumplings,
I have had my pixie for almost two years and feel pretty qualified to write this:) For years I wanted to get one but I was very nervous about such an extreme style. Would it look good? Could I style it? Would it make my face look fat? Here is all the advice I have to give about this subject. By the way it's worth mentioning I freakin love my pixie and I'm glad I took the plunge.
Baby Steps
If you've always had long hair a pixie might be too much of a shock to you. I suggest trying a bob or some long layers first. These styles are easier to grow out and less intimidating.
Do Your Homework
Find out your face shape, google search pixie pics, ask friends you trust, keep things like hair type and texture in mind.
Celebrity Inspiration
Find a celebrity that has a pixie you like. It's even better if they have a similar look and hair type as you. I took inspiration for my pixie from Gennifer Goodwin. I brought a pic of her to my stylist for reference. Also search youtube for hair-styling tutorials for your chosen style.
Time Management
How much time do you spend on your hair now? A pixie needs to be sculpted and styled to give a cute shape and control cowlicks and fly aways. Mine takes about 5 to 10 minutes to style, but depending on the style this could take longer. Trust me when I say if you don't take the time to fix it it's gonna look jacked up:)
Growing Out Your Pixie
Okay so this is the hardest part of having a pixie. You will go through many awkward stages of this process. Headbands,head scarves, bobby pins, and barrettes will be your best friend. If you can make it through this process without re-pixieing yourself you're a champ. This is part of the reason I've had mine for so long lol. A freshly cut pixie looks way cuter than a half grown out one. I am fond of change though so I've made the commitment to grow mine out, but I absolutely love my pixie and regret nothing.
I hope you found this post helpful. If you get a pixie please tweet or tag me @misplacedmoo!
Good Luck Dumplings
Love you <3
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